[2.37] Dorothy Fohtung
… navigating through cultural landscapes
👉 PEP (Podcast-Erhellungs-Profil):
“The positivity of solitude, I learned that in Germany”
This is indeed a rather unusual statement about Germany. However, this is not the only surprise that Dorothy Fohtung, born in Cameroon and now Head of Communication and Marketing at Siemens Advanta, shares in the podcast “Kultur wandle Dich//What the heck is going on”.
Amongst others, we learn
– why her bigger sister was a role model to her
– how it feels to make career as a multi-minority person in Germany
– what her particular values are as a leader
👉 Telex-Lebenslauf:
+++ Bachelor in journalism in Buea (Cameroon) +++ Master in media sciences in Bochum (Ruhrgebiet) +++ Radio & TV journalist in Cameroon +++ Positions in marketing, PR and communication at Henkel, Teamviewer, and Software AG +++ since 2022 Head of Communication and Marketing at Siemens Advanta +++
👉 Tiefenpsychologische Schublade: